Portobello is known as Edinburgh`s seaside resort. But back when the lodge was founded in 1808 it was in the throes of becoming a thriving village in which the main industry was glass blowing. A number of freemasons were commuting from their homes in Portobello to their lodges in Edinburgh, but were finding the Stage Coach fair of one shilling, each way, a severe financial burden. Consequently a meeting was held in Portobello and a petition to The Grand Lodge of Scotland was submitted to form their own lodge, which was granted and No. 226 was born on the 8th August 1808.
The Lodge to this day still plays an active part in the work of the local community. It is proud of the fact that one of its first civic duties was to be present in large numbers at the laying of the foundation stone of the local Parish Church on the 27th October 1808.
The lodge operates from superb premises in Figgate Street Portobello, incorporating a beautiful temple and excellent social facilities. A warm welcome awaits any Brother who comes to Edinburgh.
The Brethren are not afraid to travel and have visited lodges in the USA, Canada, England, Bermuda and have recently formed strong ties with The Grand Masters Lodge in Ireland and St Andrews Lodge in Norway.